Pink Trumpet Flower
(Gladiolus caryophyllaceus)
Energy and Focus
Healing Nature
The essence of strength of focus. To harness the inner strength of purpose and direct it towards important goals. Encourages achievement through new mental directness. Helpful for those who find difficulty in maintaining purpose, who feel they get lost half way through a thought process or activity. Excellent for attaining healing objectives.
Spiritual Qualities
There are many distractions for us as we seek to work through and work on the different aspects of our Life. When our internal strength is low it is far harder to maintain momentum, for the mind will lead us away to the external objects which dance in front of us demanding attention. It is so easy to be led away. It takes effort to stay on track, effort to stay focussed and fuel internal strength.
Positive Qualities – Key Words:
focused, purposeful, achievement, mental vigour
Problem Target – Key Words:
vague, meandering, unconnected, unfocussed
In the centre of the circle I sit and contemplate. I set my bearing and with power move forward in a straight line wrapped in the glow of my inner being.
Mental/Emotional Health
Oral Dosage of Flower Essences (for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and preparing oral doses.
- For the person who cannot follow their thoughts through, losing energy and focus and sometimes not realising they have drifted away from and forgotten what they were setting out to achieve.
- For those who get frustrated with themselves for not keeping “on the ball”.
- For those who feel bad about themselves because they feel their mind isn’t strong enough to focus properly and achieve like others do.
Topical Applications of Flower Essences
(for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
Applied directly to the floral point four finger widths above the navel used for directing energy at childbirth when the mother is finding difficulty concentrating on working with the birthing process.
Physical Health
Topical Applications of Flower Essences
(for mental/emotional wellbeing)
Information on prescribing and applying essences topically.
For symptoms of losing track of a thought/study/objective.
Baihui acu-point on the head.
brings a centering and consolidation of the mind to an internal point. From this point the mind can maintain its vigour on the work or situation at hand until it is completed.